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TACITUS, Gaius Cornelius

Historia Augusta actionum diurnalium, additis quinque libris nouiter inuentis. Andreae Alciati Mediolanensis in eundem annotationes. De situ, moribus et populis Germaniae libellus [...]
Johann Froben
August 1519
€1.600 - €2.000

Folio: [28]-379-[1] pp. Title within elaborate woodcut border ('Arminius & Apelles'), as well as pp. 1 and 331, by AMBROSIUS HOLBEIN and HANS HOLBEIN. Beautiful woodcut initials and headpieces. (minor toning or soiling). 18th-c. leather, richly gilt spine on 6 raised bands and morocco label, marbled edges, mod. decorative endpapers (rubbed, tail def.). Excellent copy. Important early Tacitus, edited by the famous lawyer Andrea Alciato (1492-1550). Ref. VD16 T-12. - Sebastiani (Froben) 146. - Adams T-23. Prov. A number of contemp. annotations and reader's marks. Numerous ownership entries on titles. Bound with - LUCANUS - Pharsalia diligentissime per G. Versellanum recognita. Cum commentariis Ioannis Sulpitii Verulani [...] Philippi Beroaldi Bononien. [...] Iodoci Badii Ascensis [...]. Paris, Jodocus Badius for himself and Jean Petit, (25 May - 1 June) 1514. [6]-CCLXI [= 261] ff. Title printed in red and black within elaborate woodcut border. Large woodcut mark of Petit on title. Printed in 2 cols, with Lucan's text in larger type and near the gutter, surrounded by commentaries in smaller type. Ff. 6-65 heavily annotated by a contemporary student. (missing final blank)

Early Paris ed. of Lucan's epic poem with commentaries by various Italian humanists and by Jodocus Badius. Ref. BP16 102559. - Moreau II:898. - Renouard (Badius) III:24:2. - Renouard (Impr.) 250. - Adams L-1563