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PLINIUS Secundus, Caius

Epistolarum libri X. Eiusdem panegyricus Traiano dictus, cum commentariis J.M.
Pierre & Jacques Chouet
€180 - €240

4to, [24]., 646, [32], 168 pp, woodcut printer's device on title page. Age-toned, small marginal wormholes. Contemporary calf binding, gilt filets, spine gilt, scratches on the lower board. We add: CASSIODORUS. Opera omnia quae extant, ex fide manuscr. auctiora & locupletiora. Geneva, P. Chouet, 1650. 4to, [16], 777, [32] pp, title printed in red and black, woodcut printer's device on title page. Mottled calf binding, spine richly gilt, red edges (together: 2 vol.)