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Anacreontis Odaria, ad textus Barnesiani fidem emendata. Accedunt variae lectiones cura Edvardi Forster ... Editio altera
Howlett / Murray
€180 - €300

12mo, text in Greek. Engraved vignettes by Lavinia Forster. A very beautiful little illustrated edition. Full polished calf binding. Modern bookplate NP vd Berg. First published in 1802. We add from the same poet: Carmina accedunt selecta quaedam e lyricorum reliquiis. Editio secunda emendatior. Argentorati, apud J.G. Treuttel (col. Ph. J. Dannbach), 1786. 24mo, 147, [1] pp, entirely printed in Greek. Ms. ex libris Francisco Bermúdez de Sotomayor. Contemporary calf binding, triple gilt filet, first hinge weak, corners bumped, marbled endleaves. Ref. Brunet I, 252. + Epiktetou Encheiridion. Parma, typis Bodonianis, 1793. 2 parts in 1 vol. small 4to, first part in Greek, second part in Italian. Some old stamps and counterstamps. Contemporary leather binding, spine damaged. (together: 3 Greek books)