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TABULA APULEI, ac postea ASINUS AUREUS, cum comm. Philippi Beroaldi, Bononiae, impr. a Benedicto Hectoris
B. Hectoris
€2.800 - €3.600

In-folio (32,7 x 23 cm), [20]-282 ff., printed in Roman type, 52 lines per page, capital spaces with guide-letters. Woodcut mark at the end. Cont. marginal manuscript notes throughout. Commentary surrounding text of 40 ll. (minor marg. dampstaining and spotting, blank lower corners of some ff. and 2 blank inner margins strengthened)

First separate ed. of the ""Asinus aureus"" (The Golden Ass), the only Latin novel to survive in its entirety (including the famous story of Amor and Psyche). Also the first ed. of the extensive commentary by the Bolognese humanist Ph. Beroaldus (1453-1505). Copy with the 16-leaf ""Tabula vocabulorum et historiarum"", ""printed later than the body of the book"" (BMC) Ref. ISTC ia00938000 ; GW 2305 ; Goff A-938 ; BMC VI:845