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Six leaves, in Middle Dutch, illuminated manuscript on vellum
[The Netherlands
15th century]
€700 - €900

Six leaves, each with single column of 18 lines in an angular and square gothic bookhand, capitals touched in red, red rubrics, small initials in simple blue or red, four leaves with large blue initials with geometric patterns left in blank vellum in their bodies, enclosing and enclosed with elaborate red penwork, one leaf with similar large initial with gold bezant at its centre with red penwork picking out a flowerhead around this (using the bezant as the centre of flowerhead) and 4 similar gold bezants and red penwork in the adjacent border, one leaf with illuminated initial on gold and faded pink grounds and with sprays of foliage in border terminating in green and blue bulbous seedpods and gold leaves edged with penstrokes to give them a bristled or hairy appearance, some small scuffs to gold in places, some folds and cockling to several leaves, overall presentable condition, each 134 by 94mm