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Door den Oost-Indischen Archipel. Eene kunstreis
H.D. Tjeenk Willink & zoon
€90 - €180

Large 4to, (tipped-in col.) plates, ills., orig. cloth with mounted col. plate. We add: H.P. BERLAGE. Mijn Indische reis, gedachten over cultuur en kunst. Rotterdam, Brusse, 1931. 4to, with 36 drawings. Original hard cover. + Beryl de ZOETE & Walter SPIES. Dance and Drama in Bali. London, Faber and Faber, (1938). Large 8vo, xx, 343 pp, ill. with 112 plates. Publisher's cloth. + A. GRUBAUER. Unter Kopfjägern in Central-Celebes. Ethnologische Streifzuge in Sudost- und Central-Celebes. Leipzig, Voigfländers, 1913. 8vo, ill., publisher's cloth + 1 other (together: 5)