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DOPPELMAYR, J. G. (1677-1750)

Atlas novus coelestis in quo mundus spectabilis, et in eodem tam errantium quam inerrantium stellarum phoenomena notabilia, circa ipsarum lumen, figuram, faciem, motum, eclipses.... secundum Nic. Copernici, et ex parte Tychonis de Brahe, hypothesin... des
Heirs of Homann
€9.000 - €12.000

Folio (508 x 368mm.), engraved allegorical additional title (plain), title-page printed in red and black, 30 double-page engraved celestial charts and diagrams, some incorporating miniature world maps or spandrel illustrations of astronomical observatories, in nice contemporary hand colour and wash, English nineteenth-century russia gilt, damp-stained at foot and head of most leaves, causing the wash to run in many cases, last few maps stained and discoloured, map 15 with some abrasion, rebacked in pale calf gilt with Pease crests by James Brockman, a reimboitage

Doppelmayr, an acclaimed astronomer, was born in Nuremberg in 1671. He was a member of the Royal Society of London and the Academies of Berlin, Vienna and St Petersburg. He visited astronomers in many countries, and hence in addition to the star charts and selenographic map, the atlas includes ""diagrams illustrating the planetary systems of Copernicus, Tycho, and Riccioli; the ecliptic theories of Kepler, Boulliau, Seth Ward and Mercator; the lunar theories of Tycho, Horrocks and Newton, and Halley's cometary theory'' (DSB). Ex-libris Lord Wardington