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COMMYNES, Philippe de

Histori, Ursprung und Ursach des Burgundischen Kriegs ... durch D. Caspar Hedion verteutscher
Wendelin Rihel
€300 - €400

2 parts in 1 vol. in-4to, [20], 200, [10] ff, library stamp on title page. Worming in gutter of first 7 lvs. Woodcut printer's device at the end. Bound with: Histori von König Carle ausz Frankreich, 1552. [6], 94, [5] ff. 17th c. leather binding, rubbed, mottled edges. Good copy

First German edition of the ""Memoires"" of Ph. de Commynes, Its translator C. Hedio, worked on the Latin version of Sleidan. Ref. VD16 C 4627 / 4628 ; Bibl. Belg. C 208 / 209 ; Ritter 564 / 565