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"Het schilder boeck. Daer na in drij deelen t'leven der vermaerde doorluchtighe schilders des ouden ende nieuwen tydts; Uitleggingh op den metamorphosis Pub. Ovidii Nasonis"
J. P. Wachter
€600 - €900

4°, gegraveerde allegorische titel, portret van Karel Van Mander, [15] ff , 22 + []2 ff, [4] + 213 + [3] ff, [8] + 122 + 2 ff, [8] ff voor "" 't geslacht, de geboortplaets ende wercken Van Karel Van Mander'. Enkele lichte watersporen in laatste bladen. Vol kalfslederen band uit de tijd met 5 nerven en rijk versierde rug (iets gewreven). Goed exemplaar

2nd ed. (1st 1604) of a landmark in art history and theory, written by the ""Dutch Vasari"", mannerist painter, poet and essayist Karel van Mander (1548-1606). It deals with art theory, gives a commentary on the use of Ovid's Metamorphoses and presents a large-scale biographical history of Western painting. With verses in memory of Van Mander, by P. Scriverius, Z. Heyns, G.A. Bredero and others. The second work consists of an iconology of the Greek and Roman gods and mythological figures as represented in Ovid's ""Metamorphoses"", and of a survey of ancient, esp. Egyptian symbols. Bibl. Belgica M 104