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Opus in quinque libros digestum in quibus mire retegit et confutat veterum haereseon impias ac portentosas opiniones
Oudin Petit
€300 - €500

8vo, [8] 250 [30] ff, woodcut mark on title, ms. ex libris on title page. Running title: Adversus Haereses. 18th century calf binding, gilt ornamental border on covers, richly gilt spine with 5 raised bands, marbled endleaves, slightly rubbed, upper end of spine worn. Very good copy

Ref. Adams I-156 ; Vanderhaeghen II, 32 ; Bibl. Erasmiana Bruxellensis II, 445. Later printing (first in Basel 1526) of St. Irenaeus' ""Against Heresies"" edited by ERASMUS. Until the discovery of the Library of Nag Hammadi in 1945, it was the best surviving contemporary description of Genosticism. Today, the treatise remains historically important as one of the first unambiguous attestations of the canonical gospel texts and some of the Pauline epistles. With the original dedicatory letter by Erasmus to the Trentino prince-bishop Bernard of Cles