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Metamorphoseos vulgare novamente stampato. Diligentemente correcto & historiato
Nicolo Gorgonzola
€800 - €1.200

In-folio (31 x 20,5 cm), [2] + 106 ff, title printed in red, red printer's device on title-page, black woodcut ornamental border. Italian text in two columns. On the first text leaf, woodcut border with Bible scenes. Illustrated with 55 spirited woodcuts in text, a few figures coloured. Beautiful woodcut initials. On the last leaf the printer's device cut out. Some (water) stains, corners of the first 3 lvs rest. Solid modern vellum binding

"Une traduction, ou mieux adaptation, en prose italienne de Giovanni de Bonsignore, composée vers 1370 Ref. Sander n°5336 ; BM Italian 479. Scarce, not in Adams. All Gorgonzola editions are scarce. Only 1 copy found in recent auction records"