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Convoluut van 3 werken
widow and sons of Joh. Moretus
€360 - €500

1) De militia romana libri quinque. Editio ultima. Antverpiae, ex off. Plantiniana, 1614. In-4to, 397, [6] pp. Lacking pp. 9-26. Engraved printer's device on first title page. Illustrated with 12 copper engravings and 1 folding plate. Also with woodcut text ill. Textbook on Roman warfare. 2) De Constantia libri duo, ultima editio. Antverpiae, ex off. Plantiniana, 1615. [viii], 86, [9] pp. Lipsius' most famous work. 3) Diva Virgo Hallensis. Beneficia eius & Miracula fide atque ordine descripta. Antverpiae, ex off. Plantiniana, 1616. [viii], 86, [9] pp, engraved title-vignette, 2 engraved plates, showing the Halle chapel by Cornelis Galle and one with the sieges of 1489 and 1580 by Adriaen Collaert. Condition: age-toned, some stains. Otherwise in good condition. In a contemporary calf bindings, with some loss of leather at the spine, with gilt coats of arms on both boards (collegiale de Saint-Pierre de Lille), corners bumped, traces of closing ties

Heraldic bookplate Monsieur Darmand Maior de Lille Ref. Bibl. Belg. L 372 - L 171 - L 310 Ref. Armorial général de France, p. 1228