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GALLE, Phillipp

Semideorum Marinorum / Nympharum Oceanitidum, Ephydridrum Potamidum...
ca. 1620
€700 - €900

4to, engraved title and 34 copper engravings, 165 x 95 mm (River Gods and Goddesses, River Nymphs: Galathea, Nilus, Danubius, Rhenus, Tibris, Scaldis...), all laid down. Half English binding, with red title piece 'The Rivers of the World, Allegorical Prints by Galleo', on front cover. Lacking back cover, hinges broken

Scarce, only 1 copy in WorldCat. Original edition was issued in 1586, but it contained only the 17 River Gods, this edition has also the 17 Goddesses. Dedicated to Rutger Vander Haept. This copy sold by Christies in 1977