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Herologia Anglica , hoc est clarissimorum et doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum ... vivae effigies Vitae et Elogia
at the expenses of Crispijn van de Passe and Jan Jansson
€600 - €900

In-folio, engraved allegorical title page, 62 (on 65?) fine full-page engraved portraits, two copper engraved plates (tomb of Elizabeth I and tomb of Prince Henry), engraved by Willem and Magdalena van de Passe. Small hole in inner margin of title-page, slightly age-toned. A good copy. Calf binding, ends of spine and hinges worn

Ref. Hind Engraving, II, 145-162: 'The most trustworthy series of English portraits published up to that time' Heraldic bookplate William Arthur Sixth Duke of Portland