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NEPOS, Cornelius

Aemilii Probi seu Cornelii Nepotis Liber de vita excellentium imperatorum, a Dionysio Lambino [...] emendatus, & commentariis [...] explicatus [...]
Pierre L'Huillier
€300 - €400

4to: [36]-700 pp. Woodcut mark on title. (cut short occasionally shaving headlines, title loosening). Old mottled calf, richly gilt spine with 5 raised bands and morocco label, marbled edges (sl. rubbed, head def.). Very good copy

Scholarly ed. by the French humanist Denis Lambin (1520-1572) of Nepos' biographies of statesmen from Antiquity. Ref. USTC 116606. - Adams N-166. Prov. Old ownership entry on title. Library ticket (erased)