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BUDÉ, Guillaume

Lexicon Graecolatinum seu Thesaurus linguae Graecae [...] [and: Farrago libellorum (...)]
Jean Crespin for himself and Nicolas Barbier
€360 - €600

Folio: [730] ff. Woodcut mark on title, another one at the end (*ZZ6r). Printed in 2 cols. (blank *4 present). Mod. blind-decorated half calf over wood (in the style of the period), spine with 6 raised bands, fore-edge (old) titled (clasp and catches gone). Excellent copy

Geneva repr. of the extensive Greek-Latin dictionary of the French humanist Budé (1467-1540), laying the foundation for Henri Estienne's Thesaurus. Scarce. Ref. GLN 1575. - Gilmont (Crespin) 54/10. - Adams B-3141. Prov. Numerous old marginal annotations in various hands (some cropped). Old ownership entry on title (deleted)