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Four leaves, in Latin, decorated manuscript on vellum
[Low Countries
14th century]
€700 - €900

Four complete leaves, all with double column of 64 lines in an angular university hand, written below topline and with substantial lateral compression, paraph marks in red or blue, 2-line initials in same with contrasting trailing penwork, 3-line initials in both colours with penwork, all recovered from reuse as pastedowns and endleaves in a later bookbinding and hence trimmed at edges and with stains, spots, cockled areas and concomitant damage, overall fair condition, each approximately 320 by 220mm

The author was a canon lawyer who taught in the early fourteenth century in Padua, Pisa and Bologna, and was friends with both Petrarch and Cino da Pistoia. He appears to have died of the Black Death in 1348. The present leaves contain his glosses on the Constitutiones Clementinae: a collection of papal decretals first promulgated by Pope Clement V in 1314, with this gloss the standard medieval one on the work