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PAULINUS, Henricus

Rerum Belgicarum historia, Philippo II. Hispaniarum Rege ac Belgarum Principe
G. Nieman
€160 - €240

8vo, [6], 568 pp, engr. front, calf binding (some rub.). Ex-libris Marquionisi de Beauffort and De Servais

Continuation of J. SLEIDANUS, De statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo V Caesare commentarii (Strasb., 1555). First and only ed. of this rare work on the history of the Spanish Netherlands under Philip II by Henricus Paulinus (+1602), published only 60 years after his death. With an appendix on the history of West and East Frisia at that time, in which Paulinus describes i.a. his misadventures as a negotiator on behalf of East Frisia. In this capacity, he was sent to Franeker to discuss the Dutch occupation of the Ems (during the war with Spain) and the privateers devastating the East Frisian sea trade. He was arrested, however, and exchanged in 1586 for Onno van Ewsum, who had been captured by East Frisia. De Buck 2303; cf. 2017; Van der Aa XV, p.124. A rare Emden edition