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Two scenes with Fathers of the Church
2nd half 17th century
€120 - €160

Pen and brown ink over black chalk, framing lines in brown ink, on laid paper with watermark, 215 x 298 mm. Unsigned. Under passe-partout, hinged by upper edge with mod. Tape (edges frayed, brown stain at upper edge). Two religious scenes are featured. The first depicts Saint-Ambrose refusing Emperor Theodosius to enter the church. Next to this scene, we see Saint Jerome offered the Cardinal's head by Pope Damasus. The last scene is a rare depiction of this iconographic theme. The subject of the Fathers of the Church received new attention during the Counter-reformation and possibly these sketches are related to a commission within this context. Another drawing by another hand on verso, representing the Adoration of the Magi. We add: Drawing, Presentation in the temple, pen and black ink, 204 x 295 mm. By the same hand as verso of main drawing (2 pcs)