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SANDRART, Joachim von

Der teutschen Academie der edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahleren-Kunste
J. von Sandrart/Matthoeus Merian
€7.000 - €9.000

2 vol. in folio, engr. title, [8], portrait of Sandrart by Kilian, engr. title, 105 pp with 24 ill., 38 archit. plates, 43 engravings; 176 pp with 14 engr., 35 engravings with portraits of painters, [12 p index], 'Lebenslauf und Kunst-werke des Wol Edlen und gestrengen Herrn Joachims von Sandrart', Nürnberg, J.P. Miltenberger, 1675. Title vignette, 24 pp. Part II/I: title engraving, [8 incl. title engr.], portrait Leopold Wilhelm, [6], title engr., 100 pp. with 2 vignettes and 54 engr. with architecture of the ancient. Part II: 'Der teutschen Academi zweyter theil', Nürnberg, Wiltenberger, 1675. [8 with engr. title and titlevignet], 91 pp. with 3 engr., 54 engravings, [3 = register]; III/II: Title engr., title, 96 pp. with 2 vignettes, 37 engravings with portraits of painters, vases ea; Ovidius Metamorphosis. Nürnberg, C.S. Froberger, 1679. Title with vignette, 174 pp with 4 vignettes, [4 = register) p. Contemporary pigskin bindings, with blind tooling

In 1668, Sandrart began to write the Teutsche Academie der edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey Künste, the first encyclopedic art history in German, with editorial help from the poet Sigmund von Birken. The work, published in three volumes between 1675 and 1680, was dedicated to the artists and art collectors of his day. The first two volumes include essays on architecture and sculpture, the theory of painting, biographies of ancient and modern artists, and descriptions of various art collections. Volume three added a translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Cartari’s mythographic handbook. For a more complete description and searchable full-text, see