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[WAGEMAN, Thomas Charles]

The Military Costume of Turkey
T. M'Lean
€600 - €900

In-folio, With illustr. title and 30 col. aquatint plates. With offsetting of the aquatints onto their opposite leaf. Splendid copy. Contemporary red morocco binding, spine richly gilt & sides with broad border in gold and blind toolings, all edges gilt

Ref. Colas 2059 ; Lipperheide 2388 ; Abbey 373 ; Blackmer 1125. Heraldic Bookplate Burr (Virtus verus Honos) Each plate represents one of the many military costumes to be found within the Ottoman Empire: a janizary of Arabia Felix, a spahi, an Albanian soldier, a mameluke of Egypt, etc. The vivid colouring pays a fine tribute to the Ottoman splendour and variety and show the fascination (also known as Turquerie, or Turquoisie) with Ottoman culture at the time