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Gezigten uit Neerland's West-Indien, naar de natuur geteekend
Frans Buffa en zonen
€1.800 - €2.400

Large folio, typographic title (stains), a splendid series of 10 (of 18) chromolithographic views by Heemskerck van Beest + 2 maps. 1) Suriname Plantaadges Jagtlust en Suzanna's Daal (two views on one plate) ; 3) Suriname Gouvernements-huis en plein te Paramaribo ; 4) De Reede van Paramaribo ; 5) Post Gelderland en de Jooden Savanna ; 6) Jooden Savannah. Gezigt op de sijnagoge en kerkhof ; 7) Suriname Een Arowakka Indianenkamp ; 13) Curaçao Caraccas baai ; 16) St. Eustatius Gezigt op het fort Oranje ; 17) St. Martin Baai en stad ; 18) Saba. + Schetskaart van de Kolonie Suriname + Generale verzamelkaart der Nederlandsche Westindische Bezittingen. Condition: marginal foxing, offsetting at the verso of the plates, pale dampstaining at 1 map and 1 plate. Loose, no introduction, no cover

Ref. Landwehr, Books coloured plates, n°465. This book was published in 5 instalments. The drawings were made by Gerard Wernard Catharinus Voorduin (1830-1910), a Dutch lieutenant-commander, who spent six years in Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles. Among the plates possibly the first views on the Jooden-savannahs made by a Dutchman. ""The former settlement of Jodensavanne and the cemetery at Cassipora bear a unique testimony and mark an important stage in the Euro-Sephardic (Portuguese) colonization of the Western Hemisphere. Jodensavanne was in the 17th century the largest Jewish settlement in this hemisphere, and its synagogue, of which a ruin remains, is the first of architectural significance in the America and one of the oldest in the Western Hemisphere. It is as such a reminder of pioneers of American Judaism