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Ta Toon Philostratoon Leipomena hapanta [=in Griekse letters]. Philostratorum Quae Supersunt Omnia
Thomas Fritsch
€120 - €160

In-folio (39,5 x 23,5 cm), [8], XLIII, 987 pp, text in two columns (Latin and Greek). Colophon: typis Chr. Fleisheri. Title printed in red and black, woodcut printer's device (Pegasus). Contemporary full vellum binding, with the gilt coat of arms of AMSTERDAM, green silk ties. The coat of arms also returns on the spine, in the four corners and in rolls

Provenance: prize book given to the student Joannes de Neufville, in the year 1742 Ref. Storm van Leeuwen, Dutch decorated bookbinding in the 18th century, part I, p. 189, rubbing J, p. 193, VII