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RUBENS, Albert

De re vestiaria veterum, praecipue de lato clavo libri duo, et alia eiusdem opuscula posthuma [...] [ed. Johannes Georgius Graevius]
Officina Plantiniana, B. Moreti
€280 - €450

4to, [28], 328 pp, 3 folding double-page (i.a. the Gemma Augustea and Gemma Tiberiana), 1 full-page and 8 half-page engravings by Cornelis Galle, as well as 2 woodcut coin ill. Woodcut mark on title. Woodcut tail-pieces, a few browning (title page and some others), wide margins, contemp. vellum, flat spine titled in ink, nice copy

Ref. STCV 6606992. - Cicognara 1788 (bella e nitida). - Colas 2593. - Dekesel (17th-c. numism.) R-91. - Lipperheide Bc4. - Sinkankas 5617. Prov. Bibliotheca Fidalkiana, i.e. from the collection of Joan Francisci Vilegiavois (on title page)