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[PIBRAC, Guy du Faur de]

Ornatissimi cuiusdam viri, De rebus Gallicis, ad Stanislaum Eluidium, epistola
Fr. Morel
€500 - €700

8vo, 46 pp., 19th-c. red morocco, covers ruled with three gilt filets, gilt. ornam. spine with raised bands, a.e.g., gilt inside dentelles. Mint copy

"Very rare first edition of this ""history"" of the famous Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre. An apology of this massacre by the Toulouse poet and magistrate Guy Du Faur de Pibrac (1529-1586). This letter justifying the slaughter, addressed anonymously to the German humanist J. Camerarius (presented under the name Stanislaus Elvidius), caused a great stir in Europe. Printed in italic type. Pibrac is also known for his ""Cinquante quatrains"", printed many times until the 19th century. He was chosen by Charles IX to be one of his representatives at the Council of Trent and negotiated a peace with the Protestants in 1576. Ref. Adams D-1060. - Pettegree (FB) 82884 = USTC 171110. - BnF. - STC French (BL) 149. Prov. Dr. Antoine Danyau, Paris (1803-1871) (bookpl.)"