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ERASMUS, Desiderius

[NOVUM TESTAMENTUM] Novum instrumentum omne, diligenter ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitum & emendatum / Annotationes
Johann Froben
€50.000 - €60.000

In-folio, [28], 324, 676, [3] pp, parallel text in Greek and Latin. With beautiful woodcut ornaments by Urs Graf. Printed dedication to Pope Leo X. Wormholes in the beginning of the volume, a few lvs with marginal damp-staining. Annotations (in Latin and Greek) in red ink, annotation in brown ink at the bottom of p. 238 in Greek, mentioning the name of Philip Melanchton. Contemporary pigskin binding on wooden boards, with blind-tooling, editor's name on fore-edge

"FIRST edition of the New Testament in Greek, edited with Latin translation and commentary by Erasmus. Erasmus had made great haste since he knew that the Greek text of the Complutensian Bible was already in the process of being printed. The Erasmus translation and commentary of the Bible ""formed the basis of the New Testament translations of both Luther and Tyndale and hence had profound influence on later Protestant versions of the Bible."" Ref. Printing and the Mind of Man 46 ; VD16 B 4196 ; Sebastiani, Johann Froben, 44 ; Adams B 1679 ; Vander Haeghen, Bibl. Erasmiana, II, p. 57. Provenance: BONIFACIUS AMERBACH (1495-1562), a personal friend of Erasmus, he was also the heir of Eramus estate, ms. ex libris on title page. F. Michael Asphalebius (with his stamp featuring a grasshopper) - Monastery at Lorch (ms. on title page) Old stamp 'Kloster Roggenburg' Old stamp 'Königl. Kreisbibliothek in Augsburg' ; Verkaufte Dublette Stadtbibl. Augsburg"