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Commentarii, pii iuxta ac eruditi in omnes Psalmos, per Des[iderium] Erasmum Roterodamum proditi & emendati. Eiusdem Disputationum adversus Gentes libri VIII. Sigismundi Genelii cura castigati [...].
€320 - €450

8vo, [34]-789-[25] pp. (some minor soiling). Good inside copy. Famous Froben printer's device on title and at the end. Printed in italic type. Contemp. gold tooled calf, spine with 5 raised bands (turn-ins missing, worn)

"Psalms dedicated, in a long prefatory letter, to Dutch pope Adrianus VI (Allen 99). With the apologetic treatise of Arnobius (253-330) edited by the German humanist Gelenius (1497-1554). Ref. VD16 ZV-1690 ; USTC 625889 ; EOL 3851 ; De Reuck 375 ; Adams A-2000 ; STC German (BL) 98. Prov. Oratorians, Paris (ms. entry, 17th c.)"