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Pepli fragmentum sive Heroum Homericorum epitaphia, fideliter auctori suo restituta, Latine versa, & annotationibus illustrata per Gulielmum Canterum [...] Ausonii Epitaphia heroum
Chr. Plantin
€340 - €400

8vo, 31 [= 54]-[2 bl.] pp. (A-C8 D4, erratic pagination). 2nd enl. ed. Loose in marbled wrappers. Good copy (toned)

"Second edition (1st Basel 1566) of a number of classical epitaphs formerly ascribed to Aristotle, annotated and translated into Latin by the Leuven Greek scholar Willem Canter (1542-1575), dedicated to his teacher and friend Cornelius Valerius. Ref. Voet (Plantin Press) 594 ; BT 171 ; Adams A-1967"