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LA FOSSE, Jean Charles de

Nouvelle iconologie historique ou attributs hieroglyphiques. Nieuwe historische beeldspraak of hieroglyphische merkbeelden, dat men dezelve kan gebruiken tot bouwkunstige vercierzelen, fontynen, pronknaalden en schoorsteenen, ornamenten, medaillons, troph
Cornelis Sebille Roos en Arend Fokke
ca. 1790
€180 - €300

"2 parts in 1 vol. in-folio, [4], 39 pp, with 2 engraved title-pages and 103 engraved plates. The plates depict fountains, vases, candelabras, doors, sconces, pedestals etc.; most of them decorated with elaborate emblematic imagery. Tear without loss in first fly-leaf. Bound in 19th c. half calf, marbled boards"

"Ref. Praz 393 ; Landwehr Romanic 440 ; Berlin Kat. 465 ; Kunst op Schrift 1027. Jean Charles Delafosse's artist manual is the main contribution to the neoclassical style, which was popular during the 1670s and 1770s among contemporary artists, furniture makers and decorative artists throughout Europe. (Millard Coll. I, p. 133)"