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Historia septem sapientum Romae
Johann Koelhoff sr
€8.000 - €12.000

4to (200 x 128 mm), [50] ff [a-g6, H8], 37 ll, gothic type, rubricated in red. Ill. with a very large armorial woodcut mark at the end and 23 full-page woodcuts, with 2 of the woodcuts repeated several times). The style of these 23 fine woodcuts is reminiscent of the Dutch Bellaert Master. They were first used in the Low German edition published by Claes Leeu (and printed by his brother Gerard) in Antwerp on 11 April 1488. The Leeu brothers lent them to Koelhoff, and re-used them in Antwerp Latin edition by Gerard Leeu of 6 November 1490 under the new Latin title 'Historia calumnie novercalis' Contemporary calf binding over wooden boards, with blind-tooling, endpapers from a rubricated early printed book (expertly rebacked, sl. rubbed, clasps gone, old wormholes in covers)

"Very rare (some 15 copies in public collections, several incomplete) Latin Cologne edition of a popular medieval cycle of stories, 'The Seven Sages of Rome'. The frame narrative tells the story of the Emperor Pontian's son Diocletian, who got accused by his jealous stepmother (who in vain had tried to seduce him), but was finally set free by his seven Masters (analogous to the 'Seven Wise Men of Greece'). The seven masters each tell a story, over seven successive days. The story shows oriental elements taken from the Old Testament (Joseph and Potiphar) and Arabian stories (1001 Nights, Sindbad). The 1st printed edition was also published in Cologne by J. Veldener in 1475. Ref.: ISTC is00449000; GW 12853; Goff S-449; Polain 4440 (incompl. copy in KUL); IDL 2330; Vouilliéme (Köln) 587; BMC I 230. Woodcuts: Schramm VIII-301, 303-314 and Kok 92.1-12"