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Partie du Gange ou sont les établissements du commerce des Nations de l'Europe dans les Indes orientales
€300 - €500

Copper print, 53.4 x 75.5 cm. Map of the Hooghly river with the factory Banquibazar (Barrackpur) of the Ostend Company and the village Hydsiapur. Also shown are the factories of the English in Calcutta, of the French in Chandernagor, and of the Dutch in Chinsura. Map created by Pierre-Philippe Ricquier based on information by Jacques-André Cobbé (Ostend Compagny in Antwerp), engraved by François Harrewijn and published in Brussels by Eugène-Henri Fricx in 1726. The French text in the cartouche on the left places Cobbé's death in the 'Loge flamande', though this is unlikely as he was besieged by the nawab's troops in Danemarnagore (Gondalpara). Small imperfection in lower part. Modern frame

Rare map