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Thesaurus Theutonicae linguae = Schat der Neder-duytscher spraken [...] = Thresor du langage Bas-alman, dict vulgaireme(n)t Flameng, traduict en François & en Latin
Chr. Plantin
1573, 29 January
€700 - €1.400

Large 4to: [282 (of 284)] ff. Woodcut mark on title. Printed in gothic, italic and roman. (missing 2 ff.: text f. &1 and printer's mark &4, outer half of Aa2 torn off with loss of text; marginal dampstaining, occasional soiling or staining, edges of 1st ff. frayed, paper strip pasted on blank inner margin of title, tear in f. 'l2'). Contemp. vellum, flat spine (almost loose, somewhat worn, hole in spine). In all a good copy

First great dictionary of Flemish, containing some 40.000 entries, in alphabetical order and with Latin and French translations. With Plantin's long dedicatory letter (13 February 1574) to the 'confrerie de S. Ambroise', stating ""le seul desir, qui me print en ce temps-là, d'entendre la langue vulgaire des Pais de par-deça"". According to Voet, Plantin started working on a list of words upon his arrival in Antwerp; the dictionary was compiled by A. Madoets, Kiliaan and others. Ref. Voet (Plantin Press) 2310 (A). - Sorgeloos 425. - BT 4500. - Not in Adams. Ref. Stijn van Rossem, Portret van een Woordenaar, (2007), p. 169. Prov. Old ownership entries on title, endpaper, flyleaves (some deleted). Collector's stamp on verso of title