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Variorvm, sive De ivris ambigvitatibvs
Hubertus Goltzius
€280 - €360

8vo, 333, [3] pp, woodcut printer's device on title page (woman in antique dress holds a cornucopia). Bound with: Pierre PITHOU. Adversariorum subsecivorum libri II. Paris, apud Ioan. Borellum, 1565. [8], 70, [1] lvs. Bound in full calf, used, rebacked

1) Adams R-26 ; Cat. Hubertus Goltzius (1983) n°47. Jacobus Raevardus (Reyvaert) werd rond 1535 geboren te Lissewege en overleed te Brugge in 1568, al zijn studies handelen over het Romeins recht. 2) Adams P-1328. Pithou (1539-1596) was a celebrated French lawyer. He was considered one of the most learned men of the 16th century. This work on classical philology is his first printed book
