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Sancti Martyri Ignatii Antiochiae archiepiscopi Epistolae
Guillaume Morel
1558, 23 September
€700 - €900

8vo: [4]-147-[9] pp. Greek text only (without the 2nd part with the Latin translation, but the enl. version bound with - cfr. infra). Entirely printed in 'Grecs du Roi'. (K3-4 erroneously bound after title; sl. toned, minor soiling). Contemp. limp overl. vellum, flat spine (loosening, front joint def., ties partly gone, endpapers gone). Very good copy with wide margins

Ref. BP16 114571. - USTC 160273. - Adams I-31. Prov. Old ownership entry on title and inside front cover 'Carolus Lumm(e)sden'. Bound with - 2. Epistolae Ignatii Antiochiae episcopi, Polycarpi episcopi Smyrnensis, Martialis apostoli. Ibidem, 1561. [8]-141-[1, 2 bl.] pp. (incl. blank F8 and I8). Enlarged Latin translation of Ignatius (1st 1558), with additional texts by other bishops. Woodcut mark on title. Ref. BP16 114839. - USTC 153117. - Adams I-32. 3. Traité, qu'il est necessaire que toutes gens de quelque qualité, sexe, ou aage, qu'ils soient, lisent les saintes Escritures: Et du moyen qu'on y peut tenir. [France? Geneva?, n. n.], 1561. 36 ff. Woodcut device on title. Very rare Protestant plea for free Bible readings in the vernacular. Attributed to Pierre Viret by René Paquin. Ref. Paquin. L'Évangile à l'index ? Pierre Viret et la crise entourant la publication et la censure de la Bible en langue vulgaire. Paris, 2018. Ref. Geneviève Guilleminot, Religion et politique à la veille des guerres civiles. Paris, 1977, n° 320. Ref. USTC 41925 (Only 1 copy known) ; Brunet V, col. 920-921. - Not in BP16, Adams