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Karoli Magni et Ludovici Pii Christianiss. regum et impp. Francorum capitula sive Leges ecclesiasticae et civiles [...], qui nunc primum integri eduntur ex vetustiss. exemplarib. adiectis etiam aliis eorundem regum & Karoli Calvi capitulis [...]
Claude Chappelet
€160 - €300

8vo, [12] + 424 + [16] ff, woodcut printer's mark (unicorn) on title page, library stamp on title page. Contemporary limp vellum binding, title in ink on spine, slightly soiled

Not in Adams, Machiels. First edition of the two principal Carolingian capitularies, the four first books written in 827 by Ansegisus and the three last in 845 by Bernardus Levita, who collected the acts forgotten by Ansegisus and added some canonical decisions. With additions of later reigns until Charles the Bald and a glossary of 16 ff