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BOCHIUS, Joannes

Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae, Austriae archiducum
Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum
€3.000 - €3.800

In-folio (38 x 24,5 cm), 500 + [12] pp. Geïllustreerd titelblad (oude stempel en tegenstempel), volledig met 28 gravures van P. Van der Borcht naar C. Floris en J. de Momper, waarvan 15 op dubbele pagina, 2 blz. met muziekdruk, 3 gegraveerde tussentitels. Drukkersmerk op laatste blad. Vol kalfsleder uit de tijd, rug verguld (gewreven), sleet aan onderste kapitaal, voorste scharnier zwak. Volledig en binnenin fris exemplaar

Eerste editie van deze beschrijving van de Blijde Intredes van aartshertogen Albrecht en Isabella in de jaren 1599-1600. Het werk omvat 5 delen: p. 1-170: feesten te Brussel; p. 171-316: feesten te Antwerpen; p. 317-408: feesten te Gent p. 409-487: feesten van Valenciennes; p. 488- 500: beschrijving van de bevrijding van 's Hertogenbosch. Bochius (1555-1609). Ref. Funck p. 281. Bibl. Belgica I, B-389. Lipperheide n° 2657. Landwehr, Splendid Ceremonies, n° 62. Good copy. First and only edition of one of the most sumptuous festivity books printed at the Plantin Press. Splendidly illustrated record of the triumphal entries of the newly-wed Archduke Albert of Austria and his bride Infanta Isabella of Spain into Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and Valenciennes in 1599. Illustrated with 2 pages of musical notations, an elaborate engr. architectural title, incorporating fine portraits of Archdukes Albrecht and Isabella, 3 further engr. section titles, 2 architectural, all elaborate, 1 incorporating a view of Antwerp, another a view of Ghent, and 28 engr. pl. (incl. 15 double-page) by Pieter van der Borcht, the drawings variously attributed to Otto van Veen, Josse de Momper or Borcht himself. Bochius (1555-1609) was town clerk of Antwerp. The accounts of the Antwerp and Brussels entry are his own, whereas the account of the festivities in Ghent is written by Maximilianus Vrientius and the entry into Valenciennes by Henricus d'Outreman. All authors give detailed information of the festivities, the festival architecture, the floats, and illuminations and fireworks in the evening; and explain in detail the emblematic and allegorical decorations. Only 775 copies of this book were printed