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Opera omnia quae extant
Ex officina Elzeviriana
€160 - €240

12mo, 332, (4) pp., engraved title, 19th century morocco binding, all edges gilt (signed Girard rel. à Angers). Ref. Willems 1207; Rahir 1233. We add: Aurelius PRUDENTIUS Clemens, Opera. Amstelodami, apud Joannem Janssonium, 1631. 24mo, engraved title page, contemporary calf binding, marbled end-leaves. + JUVENALIS et Aulus Persius Flaccus. Satyrae. Amstelaedami, Henr. Wetstein, n.d. 16mo, engraved title, entirely interleaved with white paper, contemporary calf binding, spine gilt, red edges. Scarce, no copies of this ed. in Dutch libraries. (together: 3 vol.)