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AMMIANUS Marcellinus

Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt ex recensione Valesio Gronoviana indicem dignitatum nec non glossarium Latinitatis ...
e libraria Weidm. hered. et Reichii
€140 - €200

8vo, xvi, 563 pp + index + glossarium. Age-toned. PRIZE BOOK in contemporary calf with gilt coat of arms of the city of THE HAGUE. It represents Pallas Athena, harnessed and helmeted, accompanied by her owl and with a lance in her right hand and a shield in her left. The Hague stork is shown on the shield. Richly decorated borders, all edges gilt, marbled end-leaves, dogs on spine

Ref. Storm van Leeuwen, Dutch decorated Bookbinding in the 18th c., vol. IIA, p. 21. Modern bookplate of Prof. Dr. J. van Leeuwen. ""Until c. 1795 Hague prize bindings were made practically without exception in vellum"", so this is a scarce example