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CAESAR, Gaius Julius

Commentarii. Ed: Hieronymus Bononius. Add: Raimundus Marlianus: Index commentariorum C. Julii Caesaris
Octavianus Scotus
1482, 21 Aug.
€1.600 - €2.000

In-folio (29,8 x 20,8 cm), 148 ff, Roman type, 41 lines and head-line per page. The first leaf blank (manuscript title on recto, manuscript index on verso), capital spaces left blank, lacking folio i4 is replaced by a xerox. The last 7 lvs expertly remargined, washed? Modern dark brown calf binding

Containing De bello Gallico with Hirtius's continuation, De bello civili, Alexandrino, Hispaniensi, Africo. The editor, Girolamo Bologni (1454-1517), was a lawyer from Treviso. The first edition of his commentary was printed in Treviso in 1480; this is one of four reprints from the fifteenth century. Ref. Goff C22; HC 4218*; Pellechet 3145; BMC V 277; GW 5869. Provenance: Herzoglicher S. Meiningischer Bibl. (old stamp on f. a1)