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Tractaat van de siektens der swangere vrouwen en der gene, die eerst gebaart hebben. Aanwyzende de rechte en waare manier, om de vrouwen in haare natuurlyke baaringen wel te helpen, de geboortens tegens de natuur te recht te brengen en de ziektens der jon
Jan Morterre
€160 - €240

4to, [10], 75, [1], [10], 408, [23], title in red and black, 3 large folding engravings & 31 text-engrs. (11 full-p.). Cont. half calf binding (some small def.)

G.-M. 6147 (French ed.): ""The outstanding text-book of the time. Mauriceau, leading obstetrician of his day, introduced the practice of delivering his patients in bed instead of in the obstetrical chair (...). This book established obstetrics as a science"". - BMN I, 342; Waller 6362 (ed. 1683)