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[Opera] Ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus, ut & commentario integro Laevini Torrentii, et Isaaci Casauboni. Hic accedunt notae Theodori Marcilii et Francisci Guyeti, nec non index Matthiae Bernecceri
Gijsbert van Zijll
€140 - €200

4to, [24]- 826- 112- [128] pp, engraved title-page, title-vignette. Contemporary ivory vellum binding, a few stains and scratches

Suetonius' most important surviving work is a set of biographies of twelve successive Roman rulers, from Julius Caesar to Domitian, entitled 'De Vita Caesarum'. Scholarly annotated ed. of Suetonius by J. G. Graevius (1632-1703).