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De amphitheatro liber (...) [and] De amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus [bound with] - De vesta et vestalibus syntagma. Altera editio (...) [and] - De bibliothecis syntagma. Editio secunda [and] De cruce libri tres (...). Editio ultima [and] De con
off. Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum
€750 - €1.000

8 parts in 1 vol. in-4to, 77-[6-1 bl.], [8]-59-[4-1 bl.], 35-[4-1 bl.], 96-[7-1 bl.], [16]-86-[9-1 bl.], [8]-86-[9-1 bl.], [8]-69-[10-1 bl.], [8]-121-[6-1 bl.] pp. Contemp. calf (corners rubbed), gilt orn. spine on 5 raised bands (rebacked), red leather title label, red edges. 1. De amphitheatro liber, 1604. Work on Roman amphitheaters. Engraved ills : mark on general title, 1 folding pl., 1 double-page pl. and 6 ills in text. Woodcut mark at the end. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 899 L-141. 2. De vesta et vestalibus syntagma, 1609. Later edition (first 1603), dedicated to M. Hovius. Engr. ills : mark on title, 1 plate by J. Hemelaers and 9 ills in text of coins, medals and statues by Th. Galle. Woodcut mark at the end. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 1080 L-525. 3. De bibliothecis syntagma, 1607. Second edition of a treatise on libraries in antiquity, dedicated to Charles de Croy. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 900 L-145. 4. De Cruce libris tres, 1606. Reprint of the rev. 1599 edition of Lipsius' work on crucifixion in Antiquity (first ed. 1593). 19 engr. ills , 1 full-page and 1 woodcut ill. Woodcut mark at the end. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 922 L-207. 5. De Constantia libri duo, 1605. Later edition of Lipsius' Stoic dialogue. Woodcut mark on title and woodcut initials. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 909 L-171. 6. Diva Virgo Hallensis, 1616. Work on the Virgin of Scherpenheuvel. With 2 engr. ills showing the Halle chapel by Cornelis Galle and one with the sieges of 1489 and 1580 by Adriaen Collaert. Woodcut mark at the end. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 976 L-310. 7. Diva Sichemiensis sive Aspricollis, 1606. Reprint of the 1605 edition. Engr. title-vign., woodcut mark at the end. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III 1012 L-394. 8. Lovanium. Second, revised and augmented edition (first 1605) of this history of Louvain and Heverlee, dedicated to Charles de Croy, Duke of Aerschot, who owned the castle of Heverlee. 2 (of 3) engr. ills by Th. Galle, 1 folding view of Louvain, plate of Heverlee missing. Ref. Bibl. Belg. III, 998 L-357

Good set of several works of Lipsius. Bookplate of the Earl of Roden