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ERASMUS, Desiderius

Opus de conscribendis epistolis, ex postrema authoris recognitione emendatius editum. Cum adnotationibus marginalibus, quae partim artificium, partim authorum locos explicant: et indice locupletiore
Coloniae Agrippinae [Keulen]
Gualthero Fabricio
€400 - €600

In-8°, [16] + 415 pp. Woodcut printer's device on title page. Ms. ex libris on title page. A few marginal stains, some very small wormholes. Otherwise a good copy. Modern brown leather binding in the style of the period

"Erasmus schreef dit werk over brieven. In zijn werk heeft Erasmus de verschillende types brieven proberen te ordenen zoals letter van petitie, aanbeveling, jammerklacht, felicitatie enz. Ref. Adams E-565 ; VD16 E-2528 ; Vanderhaeghen I 57. Bezzel 628. Exx. in CCfr. en WorldCat"